Recitals 1-5 are for ages 6-18 includes Levels 1-LCP: Elementary Combos, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop and Contemporary classes.
How do I know which Recital my child is in?
The video tutorial here will show you how to view this in your account online. Students will receive a personalized "event confirmation" via email on April 3 which shows which Recital(s) your dancer is in.
How long is each show?
The length of the Recitals are as follows. The shows may run a little shorter or a little longer depending on how quickly the dancers move on and off the stage.
Recital 1A and 1B are 60 min.
Recital 2 is 75 min.
Recital 3 is 90 min.
Recital 4 & 5 are 105 min. with Intermission
In-Studio Dress Rehearsals: May 20-25
The last week of class before Recital is an in-studio Dress Rehearsal during your normal class day/times. Dancers should arrive to classes just like they would arrive to the theatre. Full-stage makeup is not expected for In-studio Dress Rehearsal, however we will be taking group photos so a little makeup is encouraged. It is critical that everyone arrives ON TIME and READY.
Arrive dressed in your first costume with hair and light makeup done prior to arrival.
Bring you basket/bin to carry everything. Be sure your basket/bin is labeled with your name.
If you have multiple classes on the same day, bring all costumes you need in your basket/bin.
Everything should be labeled with your name.
Remember we're taking photos, so be sure to look your best.
Stage Rehearsal
Stage rehearsal for Recital 1 is held immediately prior to the show and is mandatory without exception. If your child misses they will not be allowed to perform. Recital 2-5 do not have a stage rehearsal.
Costumes & Basket/Bin
Dancers must arrive dressed in their 1st costume. Costume changes, shoes, extra tights, and a water bottle/snack, must be carried in a small laundry basket/bin labeled with their name.
Costume Care
Label costumes, shoes, accessories, and tights with the student’s name.
Place costumes in a garment bag with the student’s name on the outside.
Carry costumes & shoes in a small laundry basket/bin labeled with student's name.
Pack accessories in a clear plastic bag with the student’s name on the bag and on each item.
Press or steam all costumes prior to coming to the theatre.
Please do not wash costumes in your washing machine; dry clean them only (after the recital).
Students are required to purchase their own tights to wear with their costumes. Tights must be new or in like new condition. Students must have a second pair of tights in each color in their basket/bin as a backup.
Sansha brand PINK tights are required for ballet and ballet & tap combo classes.
Skin toned stirrup tights are required for contemporary classes.
Sansha brand TAN tights are needed for all other classes.
Tip: Layer Tights! Dancers should wear Tan tights and layer Pink tights on top for ballet. This makes costume changes easiest.
Tights are available at the academy, from dancewear stores or online merchants. Please purchase new tights for the recital.
A nude colored camisole leotard/basic may be worn under costumes for comfort and added privacy during costume changes. This should be worn closest to the skin, instead of underwear.
Tip: NO UNDERWEAR should be worn under costumes (that is what tights are for).
Nude colored camisole leotards are available at the academy, from dancewear stores or online merchants.
All female students must wear their hair in a tight bun (with hairnet and bobby pins). Dancers with short hair must pull their hair away from the face and slick it down. A French braid is a good option for dancers with hair too short for a bun.
Tip: Pack extra hair supplies: hair gel, hair nets, bobby pins, and hairspray.
Male students should have their hair neatly combed.
Stage Makeup
Makeup is necessary otherwise facial features will be washed out by the stage lights.
Female students: red lip-stick, blush, eye shadow (brown), and mascara.
For the boys, a little bronzer/blush, eye shadow (brown) and tinted lip balm, works well.
Complete makeup instructions and video tutorials.
Tip: Pack extra make-up in your basket/bin for touch ups
Phones / Tablets
Dancers may not use cell phones or other electronics backstage or in the dressing rooms during the Stage Rehearsals or Recital. These items are easily lost and distracting, but more importantly we need to protect our students from being photographed while costume changes are going on. If a dancer is seen using a electronic device backstage it will be confiscated and the dancer can retrieve it after the rehearsal/performance.
Recital Drop-Off + Pick-up
Parents or guardians should bring the students to their assigned dressing rooms, where they will be checked in and placed under the supervision of LPAA staff and volunteers. Students will remain backstage for the entire performance. Parents are not allowed in the dressing rooms after the children have been checked in for the recital. We will have a record of where each student’s family is seated in case of emergency.
Note: ID Badges will be given to parents during Check-in for Age 9 & under. These badges will be required to pick-up the students at the end of the performance. Ages 10 & up will meet parents in the lobby.
Please do not attempt to pick up your child during the performance, we are unable to safely dismiss students until the after the show has ended. All students will be under the supervision of LPAA staff and will be safe for the length of the performance.
Recital Add-Ons

Recital Bundle
The Recital Bundle ($119) is the best value to get everything you need and save big!
T-Shirt (choose size)
Video Download for all your dances.
Group Photos Download for all classes
2 pairs of tights (pick-up at LPAA),
"Star Dancer" on Wall of Fame.
Recital Bundles can be ordered online (see video above). Order deadline is April 20.

Recital T-Shirts
T-shirts will feature a special design on the front and a cast list on the back. T-shirts are a fun keepsake for the dancers and children enjoy wearing t-shirts after recital as a memento of their special performance. Recital T-shirts can be ordered online (see video above). Order deadline is April 20.
Recital T-shirts T-shirts are available in Children’s sizes; 2-4 (XS), 6-8 (S), 10-12 (M), 14-16 (L) and Adult sizes; small, medium, large.

Wall of Fame "Star Dancer"
A 8in X 8in Photo Star of your dancer will be hung on the wall at the theatre for all to see! You choose the photo you want, send it to us and we'll do the rest. Photo should be emailed to hello@lomastro.com no later than April 20.
Wall of Fame "Star Dancer" can be ordered online (see video above). Order deadline is April 20.

Digital Download Video & Group Photos
Each Recital will be filmed and professionally edited. Group photos will be taken in costume during In-Studio Dress Rehearsals. The cost for digital downloads is $52 per show. Downloads will be available 4-6 weeks after the Recital.
If you purchase the Recital Bundle, you will automatically receive Videos (Digital Download) and Group Photos for all of your classes as soon as the editing is complete.
Recital Tickets
Recital Tickets
Recital Ticket Sales will begin April 10 at 10:00 AM.
Watch the video above to learn how to purchase tickets, then login to your account to order online.
Ticket Limits: Tickets are limited to 6 tickets per student through April 19, to ensure all families an equal opportunity. On April 20 all remain seats will become available and families are welcome to purchase additional tickets. We expect our Recitals to sellout, so don't wait to get tickets.
Tickets: Tickets are $22-31 in advance, reserved seating. Tickets are non-refundable.
Everyone needs a ticket. If younger siblings would be uncomfortable remaining seated, please don’t bring them to the recital. Children who are running around the auditorium are distracting to audience members.